- About me

My story

Hello there, I'm Mohammed Muzwer, a passionate designer from India who lives in Bahrain. I enjoy design, Photoshop is my go-to tool to express my creativity and learn new skills. I began my journey as a self-taught designer in Chennai and I'm always keen to improve and grow.

Past makes me perfect

I'm so grateful for my first company, where I started as a Graphic Designer. They gave me many opportunities to show my skills and talent, and they supported me to grow as a Digital Marketer. Now I'm following my interest to become a UI UX Designer, and I'm loving it!

Working as UI designer

Figma was always on my radar, but I never explored it deeply. I only used Adobe XD for my design work. That changed when I wanted to expand my abilities and turn my design ideas into interactive prototypes. I was amazed by how easy and fun it was to use Figma for this purpose.


- How do you work Muzwer?

My workflow

I always follow specific steps when I’m working on a design project. In this way I can keep everything organised and it creates moments to talk about the project with my clients.

- What do I use?


I like to use the latest software for my projects, so I know there is nothing better to use for my clients. These are the platforms that I use on a regular basis.

- Download

My Resume

I always follow specific steps when I’m working on a design project. In this way I can keep everything organised and it creates moments to talk about the project with my clients.


Mohammed Muzwer